July 24, 2008

World Youth Day 2008 - Sydney

The week long 'World Youth Day 08' celebrations started in Sydney on 15July. With Pope Benedict XVI  and hundreds of thousands of pilgrims in Sydney, the city became lively like never before. Wearing colourful  costumes, waving their national flags, singing carols, playing musical instruments and carrying banners the pilgrims made this event special.





For History Buffs , 'World Youth Day' was initially started by Pope John Paul II in 1986(at Rome). Purpose of the celebrations were to bring the youth Catholics together and reinforce their faith and confidence. The Catholic church organizes these events now once in every 2,3 years at an international location. 


Highlights of the WyD08 were the Papal motorcade and Pilgrimage Walk.  On Thursday people thronged to the harbour and city to see Pope on his Boat-a-cade & motorcade.  Pope waved past the crowd with a smile, who were giving him a rock star welcome. 




The pilgrimage walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the Randwick Racecourse on Saturday was one event to remember. After the walk the pilgrims had to spend the night under the open sky in Randwick Racecourse. But nobody seemed to mind the below 10 degree temperature in the night.



As with any event, there were some anti-pope demonstrations but they did so without disturbing the spirit of the pilgrims. Neither the media nor Pope ignored the couple who were victims of church and fighting for justice. And there were a few touching moments as well. The last wish of one patient fighting for a long time with cancer was to meet Pope. Hearing that Pope took time to fulfil his wish. Incidentally the person had his last breath two days later.

WYD08 came to an end with a final mass by Pope. It was time for the pilgrims to go back home. So they did carrying with them not only the WYD merchandise & memorabilia but also some wonderful memories.

For more information: http://www.wyd2008.org/